
Redirects and Their Impact On SEO

  SEO or Search Engine Optimization has been in the industry for so long now. More and more companies are making the most of SEO tools. But have you heard about the ‘redirects’? Well, it is something new and it has its own impact on SEO. This post is going to get you a quick peep into this.  What really is the concept of Redirects?   For all of you who are non-technical, these 301 and 302 redirects may look alien to you. Before you go any further and understand the impact of redirects on SEO, get some information about what redirects are in the first place. Redirecting a page just means that you are assigning a fresh URL to it. This is not really always the case because, at times when folks use redirection, they even alter the design, the navigation, the coding, and so on. It really depends on what motive you are redirecting the webpage.  A person generally redirects a webpage for the below-given reasons:  The URL is not working or it  is broken   The webpage/website is no longer worki

Is the Black Hat SEO beneficial for your Website or Not?

  Well, this black hat SEO is all about a set of practices that get used to enhance the rank of a site or page in search engines through mediums that do violate the search engines’ terms of service.  You know what, this term of “black hat” was emerged from Western movies to differentiate the “bad people” from that of “good people,” who carried white hats. In recent times, this is a term that has been used extensively for describing computer hackers, virus producers, and even the ones who carry out unethical actions with systems and computers.  Now, if you are wondering if the black hat is SEO beneficial for your website or not then that really depends on your ways and preferences. But this post would definitely add up to your thought. Keep on reading more to know about this black hat concept and you can make out yourself about what should be done. Click here to Read More

Ways to Curb the Decline in Digital Marketing Due to Coronavirus

Coronavirus has hit every arena of the industries hard. Amidst it all, it is challenging to ensure that digital marketing does not stoop down. There are always ways that you can curb the decline in digital marketing.  Stay Connected  with Customers as Much as You Can    Yes, it is difficult to time and you need to ensure that your customers do not lose their trust in you. And for this, you must stay in contact with your customers. Since coronavirus is not injurious for online platforms, you can simply strengthen your bridges with the customers. When you show the concern, you get the concern.  It is important that you connect with the customers through your positive outlook. Let them feel the positive vibes in your ways of working and the gusto of your connecting with them even in this trying time. Since most of your customers are already stuck indoors most of the time, you can be sure that you bring an activity among them in their lonely times. You can create a movement in their dull g